Match the Pair


Column I
Column II
1.      Armature
2.      Grinder
3.      Compass needle
4.      Solenoid
5.      Split – ring commutator
a.       Works on DC generator
b.      Works on AC generator
c.       Works on DC motor
d.      Rotates in magnetic field
e.       to magnetise an iron rod
f.       To reverse the direction of electric current.
g.      To plot magnetic lines of force.
Ans. 1. d,        2. c,     3. g,     4. e,     5. f.

Column I
Column II
1.      A.C generator
2.      D.C generator
3.      Electric crane
4.      A.C. Motor
a.       A.C current – mechanical energy.
b.      mechanical energy – A.C.
c.       Electric energy – Magnetic energy.
d.      Mechanical energy – D.C.
e.       D.C current – mechanical energy.
Ans. 1- b ; 2- d ; 3- c ; 4- a.

Column I
Column II
1.      Electric motor
2.      Fleming’s left hand rule
3.      Fleming’s right hand rule
4.      The right hand thumb rule
a.       The direction of the magnetic field around a straight conductor carrying a current.
b.      The direction of the induced current in a conductor.
c.       The direction of motion of a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field.
d.      Conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Ans. 1- d ;  2- c ;  3- b ;  4- a.

Column I
Column II
1.      Baking soda
a.       CaOCl2
2.      Washing soda
b.      NaHCO3
3.      Bleaching powder
c.       Calcium phosphate
4.      Tooth enamel
d.      Na2CO3 10 H2O
1.      Baking soda                                                    NaHCO3
2.      Washing soda                                                  Na2CO3 10 H2O
3.      Bleaching powder                                           CaOCl2
4.      Tooth enamel                                                  Calcium phosphate


Column I
Column II
1.      Oxidizing agent
a.       NaCl
2.      Refine petroleum
b.      NaHCO3
3.      Antacid
c.       CaOCl2
4.      Rock salt
d.      Na2CO3. 10 H2O
1.      Oxidizing agent                                                          CaOCl2
2.      Refine petroleum                                            Na2CO3. 10 H2O
3.      Antacid                                                                       NaHCO3
4.      Rock salt                                                         NaCl


Column I
Column II
1.      Milk
a.       Butyric acid
2.      Red ants
b.      Lactic acid
3.      Vinegar
c.       Formic acid
4.      butter
d.      Acetic acid
1.      Milk                                         Lactic acid
2.      Red ants                                                          Formic acid
3.      Vinegar                                                           Acetic acid
4.      Butter                                                  Butyric acid


Column I
Column II
1.      Eosin
a.       Universal indicator
2.      Eucalyptus oil
b.      Synthetic indicator
3.      Litmus solution
c.       Olfactory indicator
4.      Mixture of several indicators
d.      Natural indicator

1.      Eosin                                                               Synthetic indicator
2.      Eucalyptus oil                                                 Olfactory indicator
3.      Litmus solution                                                           Natural indicator
4.      Mixture of several indicators                          Universal indicator


Column I
Column II
1.      Calcium phosphate
a.       Bitter
2.      Sodium bicarbonate
b.      Anaesthetic
3.      Turmeric
c.       Tooth enamel
4.      Bleaching powder
d.      Indicator
5.      Base
e.       Detergent powder
6.      Chloroform
f.       Alkaline

g.      Oxidizing agent

1.      Calcium phosphate                                          Tooth enamel
2.      Sodium bicarbonate                                        Alkaline
3.      Turmeric                                                                      Indicator
4.      Bleaching powder                                                       Oxidizing agent
5.      Base                                                                   Bitter
6.      Chloroform                                                     Anaesthetic

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